Monday, October 11, 2010
Kenzie's Birthday
Kenzie would be seven years old on the 21st of this month. Still nothing is being done through the DAs office. We are putting out the word for people to call Mr. Beeson at the Garfield County DA Office in Glenwood Springs, CO. Can you believe it!!!! NOTHING. He hasn't even made a decision from the SECOND autopsy.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Meme's stuff
Here is a picture of Eryn: If you see her in the shop, please do NOT go there and tell Smart Style you do NOT appreciate a child killer working there.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Meme's stuff
Kyle from Channel 9 News just called a few minutes ago. He's set to roll. PLEASE people, after seeing the piece (it will be posted on facebook and the blog) send in COMMENTS to 9 NEWS. This is probably only the FIRST with follow-ups. The more feedback, the better to help that happen.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Meme's stuff
Looks like Channel Nine News out of Denver will be doing a story on McKenzie's death tomorrow night. We have a head's up regarding the attorney for "the babysitter". Classic "blame the victim game". Hope you can and will all give my daughter Faith MUCH support through this. It tears ME up inside - I cannot imagine what it does to Faither. Watch the story - we'll be posting it everywhere.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Meme's stuff
I'm at Faith's once again. I LOVE being with her and Shaelyn BUT it is SO SAD here. I get reminded that I can "take a break" from the intensity of loosing Kenzie but they cannot. The consequences of such a loss are immeasureable. And to think that NOTHING has happpened toward charges is just UNTHINKABLE.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A Case of Justice
Can you BELIEVE this!!!! That families have to go through!!! This from the Oklahoma City News Channel 4 JOLEEN CHANEY REPORTING: BUFFALO -- For years the family of an Oklahoma toddler has been searching for answers as to how their child died after they left him with a babysitter. There was enough oxycodone in the one year old boy's body to kill an adult, but how it got there and why no one has been held accountable is one step closer to being solved. "We know the child died of an overdose of a synthetic opiate, something like oxycodone or hydrocodone, but we don't know how it got into the child's system and that's what we're trying to figure out," OSBI spokesperson Jessica Brown said. Garrett Rice's mother is convinced she knows who is responsible for her son's death. "I still believe she knows what happened," Casey Atkins said. NewsChannel Four first told you when this case was re-opened just a few months ago after Garrett died of a drug overdose while in the care of his babysitter Sharon Rowley. Since then we have learned the police chief who was handling the case has hit a road-block. After 6 years of investigations no one has been charged for the young child's death - even though some officials say there is enough evidence to charge Rowley. I do think she is responsible, and I think there's enough evidence there to prosecute her," Former Buffalo Police Chief Jeremy Murrell said. Garrett's parents believe it will take more than evidence to convince prosecutors. "The DA I don't feel like he's taken the case seriously at all," Atkins said. After we last told you about this case, it has gained national attention where for the first time Atkins confronted the babysitter she says killed her child. "That's a lot of anger, hate and aggression toward one person," Atkins said. "I lashed out. I was very angry." On a television talk show Rowley failed a lie detector test and admitted she smoked marijuana in the child's presence, but claims she is innocent. "I wasn't high until after he was asleep," she said. "I did not kill him. I'm not the one." Even though there is evidence she may be the one, it is still an open case Garrett's family says they may never be able to close. "If it saves one baby, and changes one person's mind than I'm happy," Atkins said. "I would love a conviction, but I may never get it." The OSBI has turned over all their evidence to the Harper County District Attorney who declined to comment on this case. Authorities are waiting for the Medical Examiner's office to change Garrett's cause of death from unknown to a homicide.
A Case of Justice
Maybe Faith should have been living in New Hampshire. This from the New Hampshire Union Leader: NASHUA – A babysitter has been arrested and charged with reckless conduct after an 18-month-old female child in her care apparently overdosed on prescription medication.Police said they arrested Esther Ngari, 20, of 136 West Pearl St. Apt. 3, at approximately 12:30 a.m. yesterday after the child ingested an unknown amount of the seizure medication Carbamazepine while in Ngari's apartment Thursday afternoon.Lt. Jeffrey Bukunt said that the child's father left the child and her six-month-old sister at Ngari's apartment on Thursday shortly before 2:30 p.m. The children's father did not personally know Ngari but was a friend of her roommate.Sometime that afternoon, Bukunt said, Ngari left the two children alone in her bedroom while they napped. Following the nap, Ngari noticed that the 18-month-old couldn't stay awake and called their father to pick them up. The children's father came over and picked them up at approximately 6:15 p.m. After the children left, Ngari went into her bedroom where she noticed that her bottle of medication which she normally kept on her nightstand was on the floor with several pills spilled out, Bukunt said. Some of the pills were wet and discolored, which is consistent with having been in someone's mouth. When the children arrived at home, the 18-month-old began vomiting and was unresponsive, Bukunt said. She was then taken to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center and then med-flighted to Boston Children's Hospital where she was listed in serious condition. Ngari told police she normally kept her prescription bottle on her nightstand with the lid unsecured because she has trouble opening it when it is sealed, court documents state. Ngari was arraigned in Nashua District Court yesterday on one felony count of reckless conduct for leaving the bottle of medication within reach of the child with its lid unsecured and one misdemeanor count of endangering the welfare of a child for not notifying the child's father that she may have ingested the medication, court documents state. Ngari was ordered held on $50,000 cash or surety bail and a condition of her bail states that she must also turn her passport over to the Nashua Police Department, court documents state. Ngari has lived in Nashua for only two weeks, Bukunt said. She previously lived in Virginia for five months, having moved there from her home country of Kenya to attend college. A case status and probable cause hearing is scheduled for June 20.
Monday, May 3, 2010
DA's office today
What I have a really hard time with is waiting. But the explanation that was given to me today on why I have to wait make sence. I see now they are taking this case seriously and don't want E.W. or her lawyer to have any evidence prior to arrest. That way they can charge her with everything at once. I think that had to do with all the people that have called and emailed the DA. I have made it clear that if I have to file a grievance against someone, I will take it as far as it needs to go to have E.W. arrested. The fact that people believe that E.W. is a victim and I am just trying to blame someone for Mckenzie's death is insult to injury. It makes me fight harder when I hear things like H1N1 or any lie constructed by E.W. I then push harder, I call more people and I won't stand down.
So I gave them everything needed, being totally honest I watched their faces sadden by the deceit and maliciousness that was involved by E.W. and the pain she put Mckenzie through. They heard my little girl and her cry from the heavens. They finally heard that she didn't have to die and there is only one person that caused her death. THEY HEARD!!!!
It brought me peace for a minute. However, don't think that I will slow down on my fight for justice. Oh no, in fact I am going to push harder. Even thinking about posting the findings for abuse on shops bulletins in Rifle, so they know they have a child killer among them. And I will make sure that 9 news follows through with their interview. I will make sure that everyone knows that behind that sweet pathetic smile of hers, that there is a viscous killer with no regards for what she did and she is likely to do it again. She deserves to go to prison and face all those Mothers in there. Face them and tell them that she killed a 6 year old. The moment that she is taken to be transferred to prison will be the day that I rest. Until then, I won't stop. I won't until she pays for what she did to my daughter and this family.
So I gave them everything needed, being totally honest I watched their faces sadden by the deceit and maliciousness that was involved by E.W. and the pain she put Mckenzie through. They heard my little girl and her cry from the heavens. They finally heard that she didn't have to die and there is only one person that caused her death. THEY HEARD!!!!
It brought me peace for a minute. However, don't think that I will slow down on my fight for justice. Oh no, in fact I am going to push harder. Even thinking about posting the findings for abuse on shops bulletins in Rifle, so they know they have a child killer among them. And I will make sure that 9 news follows through with their interview. I will make sure that everyone knows that behind that sweet pathetic smile of hers, that there is a viscous killer with no regards for what she did and she is likely to do it again. She deserves to go to prison and face all those Mothers in there. Face them and tell them that she killed a 6 year old. The moment that she is taken to be transferred to prison will be the day that I rest. Until then, I won't stop. I won't until she pays for what she did to my daughter and this family.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Meme's stuff
I had a dream about McKenzie again last night. This frequently happens. I think I just cannot get my mind wrapped around the fact that she is gone. I often dream that I am explaining to someone I know who McKenzie was - what she was like, and how I feel about her being taken away so suddenly and unnecessarily. So I was visiting an old friend. Fixing her battery (I know, weird), and talking about Kenzie. And I could see her as plain as day. I could feel her self-confidence and slick smile. I was telling my friend about her self-assured air and easy smile. And I missed her. And I miss her. I woke up realizing, for the millionith time, that I not only miss her, I miss what the future would have been with her here. I miss doing things with her as an older child. I miss messing with her mind as only Meme could. I miss her quick an confident come-backs. I will miss watching her grow into a teenager and young woman. I will miss watching her struggle to become her own independant adult. I will miss watching her and Shaelyn as they grow TOGETHER and continue thier strong bond as sisters. I miss McKenzie. And every day the district attorney's office takes to decide if they have the courage and moral rightness enough to charge the person responsible for her death it takes more of my mental and psychological energy away. I NEED that energy. I need it to keep myself together, and to help support McKenzie's mother and sister. If there is an enemy coming right at you with a gun, and you have a gun pointed at that enemy, then it's fair game. If you have several enemies coming at you from different directions, all pointing a gun at you, then your chances of survivial are slim pickings. Not a lot can be done about the fact that McKenzie has been killed. She's enjoying God's grace. BUT, something CAN be done about the rightful consequences regarding the person who killed her. Will that bring Kenzie home? Of course not. Will that relieve some of the pressure of my enemy's guns pointing at me. You bet your ass.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Meme's stuff
Classic "blame the victim". I'm not surprised. Several people have called and/or written Mr. Beeson's office. Thank you all for that. Now, more and more, Faith is being treated "cooly". So this morning I advised her to retain an attorney. I was at the annual UT Crime Victim Conference last week and attended a session on the media and crime. The fellow presenting stated that advocates should advise clients to obtain an attorney when dealing with the media. Well, this Mom has advised her daughter that when dealing with a district attorney's office that is giving her the message that they "can't proceed forward until AFTER they interview" Faith to get an attorney. That way her rights as a victim will be protected and her anxiety as a Mom who simply wants justice for her dead daughter will hopefully be reduced. Sad state this case is in, when SO much is on Faith and NONE is on "THE BABYSITTER" which, for some reason WAY beyond me, we "shouldn't" mention by name. Whatever. I just find it SO interesting that as more pressure is on the district attorney's office, more pressure is being put on Faith by that office, instead of where it SHOULD be put on. We aren't backing off people. ONE person is responsible for McKenzie's death. ONE PERSON. I think about what all crime victim advocates know: that is cases, such as rape, blaming the victim is so classic; when in fact perpetrators LOOK for vulnerable victims. Daaaa!!! What an enlightened age we live in. So I say put MORE pressure on getting to the bottom of this case. Not less. Yes, it costs Faith EVEN more to protect her rights, but so be it. It will take what it will take and we are READY TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Justice for McKenzie
Martin Beeson. District Attorney. Ninth Judicial District (Colorado). 109 8th Street, Sutie 308; Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. Email: Phone: (970) 945-8635. Contact Mr. Beeson. Share your thoughts about this case. Justice for McKenzie!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Shaelyn is amazing
My daughter is amazing. Yesterday Shaelyn busted her knee hardcore. She was headed down to city market with her best friend and her best friends older sister. Shaelyn was speeding down the hillside and went to turn and crashed hard. She had a cellphone, but instead of calling to ask me to pick her up.... she got up and made her trip to City Market.
I guess this means so much to me because I realized how much Shaelyn has grown in this terrible time. She is living for every moment to the fullest. And that poor kid, I am so protective. Shaelyn understands though, she is angry at that person that took her sisters life. She has a better understanding of everything because she was there. I just am so impressed with her and the strength she has shown through all of this. She still plays with her sister, but in her own way. One way is: She will go out to the trailer where Mckenzies things are and grab some things. She will play with them, talking to her sister in the sky. When she is done, she puts them back and closes the trailer. Its her time with Mckenzie. She wants to honor her and keep her alive in her own way. It is pretty amazing.
I am grateful she is still alive. From what she has said her life has been put in danger with medication that she did not require. How could anyone do that to those girls that clammed to love them I will never understand. The girls used to complain about going over there because "Aunt ****" was mean to them. I thought that she was just strict. I think back now and I realize that every time they were there, it took a day for the girls to be themselves when they came home. Thank god for Laci, or I would of never put two and two together and **** would of had access to Shaelyn for weeks after. I really thought she would never abuse or hurt the girls. How wrong was I, no she didn't slap my kids or beat them, she made them sick so she could be the "mommy".
Anyway, my sweet Shaelyn has taught me so much in this journey. Not to give up is something both my kids are counting on. To remember that just because Mckenzie was stolen from us, it is only in body form..... as the play kitchen set is going off outside with no one out there yep that's my zee.............. That there is justice and it is in a 10 year olds voice, it with perfect strangers reaching out that have children and it is there biggest fear too, and it is in my fight for my daughter who didn't deserve to die. I love my children and I won't stop until the women that caused them so much harm is in prison.
I guess this means so much to me because I realized how much Shaelyn has grown in this terrible time. She is living for every moment to the fullest. And that poor kid, I am so protective. Shaelyn understands though, she is angry at that person that took her sisters life. She has a better understanding of everything because she was there. I just am so impressed with her and the strength she has shown through all of this. She still plays with her sister, but in her own way. One way is: She will go out to the trailer where Mckenzies things are and grab some things. She will play with them, talking to her sister in the sky. When she is done, she puts them back and closes the trailer. Its her time with Mckenzie. She wants to honor her and keep her alive in her own way. It is pretty amazing.
I am grateful she is still alive. From what she has said her life has been put in danger with medication that she did not require. How could anyone do that to those girls that clammed to love them I will never understand. The girls used to complain about going over there because "Aunt ****" was mean to them. I thought that she was just strict. I think back now and I realize that every time they were there, it took a day for the girls to be themselves when they came home. Thank god for Laci, or I would of never put two and two together and **** would of had access to Shaelyn for weeks after. I really thought she would never abuse or hurt the girls. How wrong was I, no she didn't slap my kids or beat them, she made them sick so she could be the "mommy".
Anyway, my sweet Shaelyn has taught me so much in this journey. Not to give up is something both my kids are counting on. To remember that just because Mckenzie was stolen from us, it is only in body form..... as the play kitchen set is going off outside with no one out there yep that's my zee.............. That there is justice and it is in a 10 year olds voice, it with perfect strangers reaching out that have children and it is there biggest fear too, and it is in my fight for my daughter who didn't deserve to die. I love my children and I won't stop until the women that caused them so much harm is in prison.
Friday, April 16, 2010
What kind of person
What kind of person doesn't have remorse for overdosing a innocent 6-year-old? What kind of person waits to call 911? What kind of person gives a non asthmatic- Shaelyn- Albuterol treatments? What kind of person MAKES children sick so they can feel better about themselves? What kind of person tells you that they love you and respect you as a mother, then kills your 6 year old with one of the 5 medications that she went out of her way to give to a little girl that wasn't sick? I will tell you, a sick person, a person that is meant to be locked away where she can't harm another child. And its not me that is going to make a difference in weather or not she goes to jail. Oh no, there is another innocent voice that wants to see that MURDERER put away. A little girl that lost her sister. My daughter has nightmares about this women giving her medication. She remember each time that she gave her Albuterol. Mind you she doesn't have Asthma or anything close to Asthma related issues. She can tell of each time she was given adult Benzedrine. She can tell of each time she was given any medication. And she knows that her"Aunt" didn't call her Mommy to ask. That isn't the worst part, oh no, when it comes to taking Mckenzie, Shaelyn has nightmares that her "Aunt" is coming to take her. Like the big bad wolf.... So yes I hate her for taking Mckenzie..oh yes a hate that the whole community feels, but it is topped with the fact that she also damaged me sweet Shaelyn. In the words of my 10 year old... she can't run from GOD...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Meme's stuff
I had such a good talk with Liz/Victim Advocate today. Even working in the "business", as a secondary victim, I forget that Liz is busy. I am VERY good at being ok with the fact that I am Faith's mom, and that's my FIRST job!!! Liz was great. She informed me about what she could. Sometimes, even when there's "nothing happening", something's happening because we are being told SOMETHING - even if it's "nothing's happening". Just having an opportunity to talk to Liz and VENT was something. Thank you Liz. Being reminded that my feelings and reactions are understandable means a great deal. Validation is critical when there's so MUCH grief and pain.
Meme's stuff
Hard morning for Faith. With the investigators reviewing everything and REinterviewing everyone, it just brings the loss of McKenzie to the front, again. It's a necessary step we know. It would have been easier if Faith had been kept informed more fully by the district attorney's office as to what was or wasn't happening and if she had been respected more as a victim in this case. Again, we know this barbaric system of so-called justice is cruel to the innocent and protects the guilty. I haven't encountered anyone who can argue that dynamic. Perhaps the guilty would like to. I'm encouraging Faith to get any and all support she can at this point. I simply don't see how she carries on day after day after day. They wait and wait and now, next week when she has final exams for school, they want to talk to her again. Right.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Meme's stuff
I've tried to reach Liz/Victim Advocate for the past couple of days. Yesterday she had stepped out of the office. Today she just wasn't in. That's not bad, as she DOES have other clients, ect. Problem is, none of us in the family have been able to have a conversation with us. She DID reach Patty by email after Patty had tried to reach her. I just wish this case would move FORWARD. Faith called this afternoon, and it does look like it IS moving. At least the investigators are on it. I wonder if they got wind that the news channel is looking into it? No matter - just get it done already!!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Meme's stuff
I was listening to the news this evening. Two little girls died a couple months ago in the Salt Lake City area. It was tragic. An exterminator had spread poison outside of their home and it had seeped into the ground and somehow got into the girls' systems and killed them both. Autopsy back already. TV news had been ON it since it happened. DA was interviewed this evening to explain why no decisions have been made yet regarding charges. I guess TV coverage makes a difference. We were told we would be notified EACH week - EVEN if NOTHING was happening. We haven't. We were told they were going to reinvestigate - no word yet. We were told it shouldn't take more than about 4 weeks to make a decision regarding charges - its been over that. What the hell is going on here? I KNOW people are busy. I also know that Faith and family have had to painfully wait for these things to happen. I was giving a presentation to a bunch of victim advocates today - part of my job believe it or not - and I used this as an example of what NOT to do. Basically, I told the advocates NOT to make promises they can't keep. And even if they mess up - which they WILL do - to CALL the victim and "confess their sins" and get back on track. I reminded them that, for my daughter, what may SEEM like a minor detail - like a simple phone call - is HUGE when you are in that space that Faith is in. So, I WANT to give Mr. DA what time and consideration he needs to do his job - of getting to CHARGES; but, I am getting discouraged with the LACK of movement on this case and the aweful emotional and psychological consequences to my family.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Meme's stuff
I just read Shaelyn's post and her follow-up comment. Yep. That's the essense isn't it. I was driving up to Salt Lake City today - having a nice enough ride. Rocking to the choir as usual. Then, out of the blue, I deeply missed McKenzie. I cried. I couldn't touch the depth of my sorrow. I just miss her. I miss our future with her. I am trying to put my best Christian foot forward. That has saved me I'm sure. BUT, I haven't forgiven. AND, I so believe that there is someone responsible for this and that one's actions have consequences. In this case, I believe the babysitter's actions should have legal consequences, as well as other natural consequences. I was thinking about that on my ride. I so hope, and pray, that no other family has to go through what our family is going through because of this person. I believe she is evil. That's just MY belief. I'm entitled. We WILL go forward as a family. We WILL love each other through this. We WILL fight for justice. We WANT to be patient. We WANT to believe that the county attorney's office is on it. They SAY they are. I know it takes time. BUT.
Friday, April 2, 2010
McKenzie Photo Album
I like this picture. It was taken on Mckenzie's birthday. What a great day that was. Kenzie was full of it, but in a sweet way. I just wanted to take advantage of picture time, and am I glad I did! Here's Meme, Mommy, Shaelyn and Mckenzie.
A Case of Justice
Baby sitter, 21, convicted in death of 2-year-old Portsmouth boy in 2005
By Janie Bryant The Virginian-Pilot © March 15, 2008 PORTSMOUTH
By the time 2-year-old Koby Stewart Jr. was taken to the hospital on Oct. 6, 2005, he was seizing and unconscious. Doctors tried to save him, but the injury that caused swelling to his brain ultimately ended in his death. Eight days later, the toddler was taken off life support. On Friday, a jury decided Shawntisha Gatling, the woman who had been Koby’s baby sitter since he was an infant, was guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Jurors recommended a sentence of seven years. She will be formally sentenced by a judge in May. The week Koby was injured, he had been staying with Gatling, 21, and her boyfriend, Robert Waddler. Waddler, who is charged with felony child neglect in connection with Koby’s death, testified that the toddler had fallen off a bed and hit his head on the frame that week. He said he also walked into a door. But a medical examiner said during the four-day trial in Portsmouth Circuit Court that the child died of inflicted brain injury. Two pediatricians at the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, one who specializes in critical care and another in child abuse, testified that a 2-year-old would not have the ability to create the kind of force it would take to cause the injury that killed him. A defense witness, a longtime medical examiner now working as a consultant, testified that a lesser impact could have led to the injury. But Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Douglas B. Ottinger said the doctors who had testified for the prosecution had actually seen the child before and after he died and had more information in reaching their conclusions. What happened to Koby was “done to him,” Ottinger said. Defense attorneys had argued there was nothing but circumstantial evidence. “Nobody knows what happened,” said Jay Normile, one of two defense attorneys. They also argued there was no way of knowing when it happened. One of the pediatricians testified that the impact of the injury that led to Koby’s death would have been noticeable within minutes to hours. He would not act normal or be able to walk, talk or eat, another pediatrician said. A woman who knew Gatling testified she saw her walking with the child on the afternoon of the day he was taken to the hospital. Gatling’s boyfriend testified he had talked to the child on the phone during a break at work about the same time. When he got home from work, he said, Gatling was trying, but unable, to wake up Koby . Waddler said she smoked a cigarette and paced as he tried to get the child up. Koby’s mother, Cyntrya Pete, 25, was called to come and get him. By the time Pete got the child to the hospital, he was not breathing. Two years later, she has little but family photos to show the dimpled smile of a little boy who seemed to trust the world. When he died, Koby left that world much more than he had received. A little bit of Koby goes on in the lives of four children and one adult who received his donated organs. Pete said she got a letter from the mother of one of the children, a little girl who had waited at least two years for a transplant. But she credited Koby’s father with making the decision. They had both experienced the pain of watching Koby slip away. “They did everything they could for my son,” said Koby Stewart Sr., 34, of Pennsylvania. Stewart said he wanted to think if a transplant would have saved Koby’s life, someone would have done the same for them.
By Janie Bryant The Virginian-Pilot © March 15, 2008 PORTSMOUTH
By the time 2-year-old Koby Stewart Jr. was taken to the hospital on Oct. 6, 2005, he was seizing and unconscious. Doctors tried to save him, but the injury that caused swelling to his brain ultimately ended in his death. Eight days later, the toddler was taken off life support. On Friday, a jury decided Shawntisha Gatling, the woman who had been Koby’s baby sitter since he was an infant, was guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Jurors recommended a sentence of seven years. She will be formally sentenced by a judge in May. The week Koby was injured, he had been staying with Gatling, 21, and her boyfriend, Robert Waddler. Waddler, who is charged with felony child neglect in connection with Koby’s death, testified that the toddler had fallen off a bed and hit his head on the frame that week. He said he also walked into a door. But a medical examiner said during the four-day trial in Portsmouth Circuit Court that the child died of inflicted brain injury. Two pediatricians at the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, one who specializes in critical care and another in child abuse, testified that a 2-year-old would not have the ability to create the kind of force it would take to cause the injury that killed him. A defense witness, a longtime medical examiner now working as a consultant, testified that a lesser impact could have led to the injury. But Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Douglas B. Ottinger said the doctors who had testified for the prosecution had actually seen the child before and after he died and had more information in reaching their conclusions. What happened to Koby was “done to him,” Ottinger said. Defense attorneys had argued there was nothing but circumstantial evidence. “Nobody knows what happened,” said Jay Normile, one of two defense attorneys. They also argued there was no way of knowing when it happened. One of the pediatricians testified that the impact of the injury that led to Koby’s death would have been noticeable within minutes to hours. He would not act normal or be able to walk, talk or eat, another pediatrician said. A woman who knew Gatling testified she saw her walking with the child on the afternoon of the day he was taken to the hospital. Gatling’s boyfriend testified he had talked to the child on the phone during a break at work about the same time. When he got home from work, he said, Gatling was trying, but unable, to wake up Koby . Waddler said she smoked a cigarette and paced as he tried to get the child up. Koby’s mother, Cyntrya Pete, 25, was called to come and get him. By the time Pete got the child to the hospital, he was not breathing. Two years later, she has little but family photos to show the dimpled smile of a little boy who seemed to trust the world. When he died, Koby left that world much more than he had received. A little bit of Koby goes on in the lives of four children and one adult who received his donated organs. Pete said she got a letter from the mother of one of the children, a little girl who had waited at least two years for a transplant. But she credited Koby’s father with making the decision. They had both experienced the pain of watching Koby slip away. “They did everything they could for my son,” said Koby Stewart Sr., 34, of Pennsylvania. Stewart said he wanted to think if a transplant would have saved Koby’s life, someone would have done the same for them.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Meme's stuff
Faith, Shaelyn and Cameron are down here in the southwest part of Utah visiting me and camping in the desert. At first Faith was wired for sound. She just wanted to be where it did NOT look like Colorado. She wanted something different. She wanted a break from the ever-reminder of loss. The first night I treated the adults to a motel room and myself to Shaelyn's company. This afternoon I visited them at their campsite, which is tucked away up against a mountain of beautiful rocks across the border in Arizona. They were happy, content, calm. It was beautiful. We are all so aware that camping was one of Mckenzie's favorite things to do. This is the first trip without her. It needed to be a beginning of building something and I believe it has been. It was SO great to see some peace on Faith's face. I hope this gives her some added strength to go back to Colorado and face life, once again, on life's terms. I have LOVED having them down here. I am grateful I can share in that.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Meme's stuff
I really appreciated our Sunday School lesson in Church this morning. We are studying the Old Testament. So we have been talking about Joseph. This guy kept on doing!!! He was righteous, consistant, dedicated to God. He had faith that right makes might. Time and again he made his decisions on those principles and time and again someone/s tried to screw with him. His brothers were jealous of him and threw him in a pit thinking he would starve and die and be gone - until one greedy brother decided to sell him into slavery. He was a great slave, so he ended up in charge of his master's household - until the master's wife tried to get him to sleep with her and he wouldn't. Of course, that didn't stop the wife from telling lies and getting Joseph thrown into prison. THEN he became the head dude of the prison. Always he was trusted. Always he kept true to his faith. Always he stood BACK up when knocked down. As I was listening this morning it occurred to me that certainly Joseph must have been at least SOMEWHAT discouraged! But his faith stood him strong. God is in charge. All I need to do is my very best. Yep - I'm gonna fall. Yep - I'm gonna get back up. I miss McKenzie. I still forget she's gone. This morning, as I was getting ready for Church, I was thinking how she's going to think Meme's new camper is SO COOL. (Faith and family are coming down this week). Then I realized that McKenzie isn't here. BUT, I believe she's in a safe, loving, and secure place. I intend to keep on keeping on - and to see her again when it's my turn to go home.
A Case of Justice
BROCKTON — A lawyer for a South Shore father who is accused of killing his 4-year-old daughter with an overdose of psychotropic drugs, told jurors yesterday that the child’s psychiatrist is the only one responsible for the girl’s death. In closing statements, John G. Darrell said Michael Riley, 37, and his wife, Carolyn, 35, relied on the advice of Dr. Kayoko Kifuji of Tufts Medical Center in dispensing medications and understood they had some flexibility in dosages. Kifuji had diagnosed Rebecca, as well as her two older siblings, with bipolar and hyperactivity disorders and put each on three potent mood-altering drugs. “What would have saved her [Rebecca] is to have Dr. Kifuji stay in Japan,’’ said Darrell, referring to Kifuji’s decision in 1994 to leave her native Japan for a triple-residency program at Tufts in pediatrics, child, and adult psychiatry. She currently practices at Tufts. Prosecutor Frank J. Middleton also condemned Kifuji, calling her a quack and a disgrace to the medical profession. However, he told jurors that primary responsibility for the lethal overdose falls on the parents. He said that the father was an abusive, selfish bully who presided over the financially strapped, troubled family and that on a December night in 2006 he and his wife decided to give Rebecca an overdose of the sedating drug, clonidine, to get her to sleep when she struggled with a severe respiratory illness. “It’s such an outrageous case of child abuse,’’ Middleton told jurors, who will resume deliberations this morning after meeting for several hours yesterday. The Rileys, both from Weymouth, were each accused of first-degree murder after Rebecca was found dead on the floor of the couple’s bedroom in Hull on the morning of Dec. 13, 2006. Carolyn was tried separately earlier this year. On Feb. 9, she was convicted of second-degree murder and received a mandatory life sentence with the possibility of parole after 15 years. Prosecutors say the parents fabricated behavioral symptoms in all of their children to get medications to sedate them, and help the family qualify for federal childhood disability benefits. In both trials, the medical examiner and other toxicology specialists said the girl’s bloodstream had a toxic level of clonidine, a blood pressure medication also used as a sedative for children with hyperactivity disorder. Prosecutors say that the couple nicknamed clonidine “happy medicine’’ and routinely gave it to the children when the parents wanted them to quiet down or go to bed. Both parents, however, presented a medical expert that said Rebecca died of aggressive pneumonia and that clonidine played no role in her death. Kifuji, on the witness stand in both trials, had testified that she never allowed dangerous levels of extra dosages. She initially declined to testify, invoking her right against self-incrimination. She later took the stand, however, when the prosecution granted her immunity from prosecution. She faces a medical malpractice suit in this case
Saturday, March 27, 2010
McKenzie Photo Album
Daddy with his girls. I think Mckenzie just wanted to EAT!!! Posing for pictures just took too much time.
A Case of Justice
Amani Robinson 13 months Non Survivor
Rockville Babysitter Convicted of Killing Girl
By Katherine Shaver
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 16, 2000; Page B02
A Rockville man was convicted last night of strangling a 13-month-old girl while he baby-sat for her in August 1999, but the Montgomery County jury was divided on whether he also sexually assaulted the child.
Timothy Conrad Phillips, 31, showed no emotion as relatives of the toddler, Amani Robinson, broke into tears on hearing the jury forewoman declare "guilty" on charges of second-degree murder and child abuse leading to death. The jury was unable to reach a verdict on three sexual assault counts and found Phillips not guilty of three other counts. Phillips faces a maximum penalty of 60 years in prison. Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Paul A. McGuckian said he will set a sentencing date next week. After the seven-day trial and two days of deliberations, several jurors said they rejected Phillips's contention that Amani drowned Aug. 26, 1999, when he stepped away from the bathtub while baby-sitting for her in her Rockville home.
Three jurors said that they believed Phillips sexually assaulted the child but that the Maryland medical examiner's office did not provide enough photographs of her injuries. Better documentation of Amani's injuries, they said, might have caused them to convict him of some of the sex offenses. "We think there was something there, but we didn't see the evidence to say for sure," said one juror, a Kensington woman who spoke on the condition that she not be named. "So many people were frustrated with the medical examiner's office, that they didn't document the injuries near enough," said a juror from Germantown who also spoke on condition of anonymity. While jurors believed the medical examiner's findings that Amani died of strangulation and not drowning, the Germantown juror said, the autopsy "sounded remarkably sloppy overall." Some jurors were escorted to their cars by sheriff's deputies after they walked somberly and silently past Amani's relatives crying and hugging outside the courtroom. Several of Amani's relatives said they were upset that the jury did not find Phillips guilty of first-degree murder, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison without parole. "I'm happy they got him for something," said Amani's mother, Amy Hogan Robinson. "But it's not what we wanted." Jurors were not told until after they reached their verdicts that Montgomery police also have tied Phillips to a 2-year-old Rockville boy who died in 1997. Police have said Phillips cared for the boy before he died of head injuries, but no one has been charged in his slaying because other people were in the home when the boy was found unconscious in his crib. Deputy Montgomery State's Attorney Katherine Winfree said she and Assistant State's Attorney David Boynton haven't decided whether to try Phillips again on the charges for which the jury could not reach a verdict. Phillips's attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders Robert Kaye and Joseph Poux, had argued that Phillips was a victim of an inexperienced Maryland medical examiner who "made some big mistakes" and used "eyes of bias" to confirm early suspicions that Amani had been sexually assaulted and killed. Phillips, who had dated Amani's mother, called 911 50 minutes after she had left for work, saying Amani had drowned in the bathtub. But a police crime scene investigator testified that she didn't find water on the tub or the child safety seat that Phillips said he had used for Amani.
Rockville Babysitter Convicted of Killing Girl
By Katherine Shaver
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 16, 2000; Page B02
A Rockville man was convicted last night of strangling a 13-month-old girl while he baby-sat for her in August 1999, but the Montgomery County jury was divided on whether he also sexually assaulted the child.
Timothy Conrad Phillips, 31, showed no emotion as relatives of the toddler, Amani Robinson, broke into tears on hearing the jury forewoman declare "guilty" on charges of second-degree murder and child abuse leading to death. The jury was unable to reach a verdict on three sexual assault counts and found Phillips not guilty of three other counts. Phillips faces a maximum penalty of 60 years in prison. Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Paul A. McGuckian said he will set a sentencing date next week. After the seven-day trial and two days of deliberations, several jurors said they rejected Phillips's contention that Amani drowned Aug. 26, 1999, when he stepped away from the bathtub while baby-sitting for her in her Rockville home.
Three jurors said that they believed Phillips sexually assaulted the child but that the Maryland medical examiner's office did not provide enough photographs of her injuries. Better documentation of Amani's injuries, they said, might have caused them to convict him of some of the sex offenses. "We think there was something there, but we didn't see the evidence to say for sure," said one juror, a Kensington woman who spoke on the condition that she not be named. "So many people were frustrated with the medical examiner's office, that they didn't document the injuries near enough," said a juror from Germantown who also spoke on condition of anonymity. While jurors believed the medical examiner's findings that Amani died of strangulation and not drowning, the Germantown juror said, the autopsy "sounded remarkably sloppy overall." Some jurors were escorted to their cars by sheriff's deputies after they walked somberly and silently past Amani's relatives crying and hugging outside the courtroom. Several of Amani's relatives said they were upset that the jury did not find Phillips guilty of first-degree murder, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison without parole. "I'm happy they got him for something," said Amani's mother, Amy Hogan Robinson. "But it's not what we wanted." Jurors were not told until after they reached their verdicts that Montgomery police also have tied Phillips to a 2-year-old Rockville boy who died in 1997. Police have said Phillips cared for the boy before he died of head injuries, but no one has been charged in his slaying because other people were in the home when the boy was found unconscious in his crib. Deputy Montgomery State's Attorney Katherine Winfree said she and Assistant State's Attorney David Boynton haven't decided whether to try Phillips again on the charges for which the jury could not reach a verdict. Phillips's attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders Robert Kaye and Joseph Poux, had argued that Phillips was a victim of an inexperienced Maryland medical examiner who "made some big mistakes" and used "eyes of bias" to confirm early suspicions that Amani had been sexually assaulted and killed. Phillips, who had dated Amani's mother, called 911 50 minutes after she had left for work, saying Amani had drowned in the bathtub. But a police crime scene investigator testified that she didn't find water on the tub or the child safety seat that Phillips said he had used for Amani.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mceknzie Died from
Mckenzie died from Albutroltoxcity which is an overdose of Albrutrol given to her by her caregiver along with 6 different other medications that day and my daughter was not sick and did not have one ashma attack that day
A Case of Justice
© St. Petersburg Times,
published June 6, 2001
CLEARWATER -- The parents of a 9-month-old baby killed last year are suing the babysitter serving time in prison for hitting the child after she became irritated at his cries.
The couple filed a $30-million wrongful death lawsuit in Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court against Shara Willhoite and her grandmother-in-law, Edna Rehm, who they say allowed Willhoite to live at her Largo house where the killing occurred.
Willhoite, the 21-year-old Largo mother of two young children, pleaded no contest to second-degree murder in April and was sentenced to 201/2 years in prison for the death of Blake Peter Solis.
"Willhoite failed to exercise reasonable care to warn the parents, grandparents or other relatives of Blake Peter Solis that she was emotionally unfit and not mentally stable to babysit the infant child, or was otherwise untrained and incapable of appropriately providing reasonable care and supervision," according to the lawsuit.
Amy Reed, Blake's mother, sued on Friday on behalf of herself and Blake's father, Louis Solis III.
Blake's family members were friends and neighbors of Willhoite and her husband, Phil. She had been babysitting the child for several months.
The baby's grandmother, Kathleen Howdeshell, noticed something was wrong when she picked up the child from Willhoite's house at 618 34th St. SE. The boy was lethargic and could not be awakened.
The child was taken to a pediatrician and then flown by helicopter to All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, where he died June 7, 2000. He had bruises on his brain and multiple skull fractures.
Willhoite told police that the baby had been sleeping on a blanket on the floor when she opened the door to check on him. She said the baby had apparently crawled closer to the door, which she said accidentally hit the baby on the head.
But police said she injured him by picking him up from the floor and "forcibly placing" him back on the floor to get him to stop crying.
Reed's attorney, Gregory Perenich, could not be reached. Rehm declined to comment.
published June 6, 2001
CLEARWATER -- The parents of a 9-month-old baby killed last year are suing the babysitter serving time in prison for hitting the child after she became irritated at his cries.
The couple filed a $30-million wrongful death lawsuit in Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court against Shara Willhoite and her grandmother-in-law, Edna Rehm, who they say allowed Willhoite to live at her Largo house where the killing occurred.
Willhoite, the 21-year-old Largo mother of two young children, pleaded no contest to second-degree murder in April and was sentenced to 201/2 years in prison for the death of Blake Peter Solis.
"Willhoite failed to exercise reasonable care to warn the parents, grandparents or other relatives of Blake Peter Solis that she was emotionally unfit and not mentally stable to babysit the infant child, or was otherwise untrained and incapable of appropriately providing reasonable care and supervision," according to the lawsuit.
Amy Reed, Blake's mother, sued on Friday on behalf of herself and Blake's father, Louis Solis III.
Blake's family members were friends and neighbors of Willhoite and her husband, Phil. She had been babysitting the child for several months.
The baby's grandmother, Kathleen Howdeshell, noticed something was wrong when she picked up the child from Willhoite's house at 618 34th St. SE. The boy was lethargic and could not be awakened.
The child was taken to a pediatrician and then flown by helicopter to All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, where he died June 7, 2000. He had bruises on his brain and multiple skull fractures.
Willhoite told police that the baby had been sleeping on a blanket on the floor when she opened the door to check on him. She said the baby had apparently crawled closer to the door, which she said accidentally hit the baby on the head.
But police said she injured him by picking him up from the floor and "forcibly placing" him back on the floor to get him to stop crying.
Reed's attorney, Gregory Perenich, could not be reached. Rehm declined to comment.
News Update
You are NOT going to believe this. A friend of mine had posted a link of this blog on facebook, so all can see. This morning it had been removed because someone on facebook reported this blog as ABUSIVE!!!! I just cannot believe it. See what Faith has to deal with every day!!!!! Speak up. Speak out. Speak LOUD!!!! For all of you in Rifle, Colorado, I feel sorry that you have such a sick **** living in your town. And for any of her "buddies" who in ANY way are causing more grief for my daughter - I hope you rot in hell.
The Survey
I have removed the survey from this blog. Faith called this morning. Seeing that ANYONE can possibly NOT see the importance of holding ***** responsible for her actions is just beyond her. While WE should not specifically mention WHO the babysitter is, SHE can say anything she wants to. Oh yeah justice IS blind - blind to the destruction caused by the "rules of the game" to individuals already dizzy with grief and disbelief. Come on folks - investigate, CHARGE, and be on with it. THEN we can say who is who and what is what. THEN it will be "official" and "OK". Makes me sick to think about the time it is taking JUST to get to this next step of things. So the survey is off the blog.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The "no" votes
It makes me sick and yet I have to accept that "she" will continue not to take any responsiblity for what she did. That she is sick enough to get online and look at this blog and vote no.....and have people that she has lied to do the same.... Let me make it clear to some who don't understand what happened to Mckenzie...she was OVERDOSED by her caregiver....with ashtma medication when she didn't have any breathing problems that day.... and if Mckenzie did have breathing problems.... the hospital was 2 miles away..... anyone that defends that is just as sick and twisted as the women that gave my baby 6 different medications in one day when my child was not sick.....The thought of people not standing up for Mckenzie and the loss of her life due to what her babysitter did to her..... but rather stand by her killer.... I hope that you don't trust her with your children.... I hope you sleep well at night.... just think that my little girl is 6 feet underground in the cold with her brown boots on and the person that killed her is free with no repercussions and no remorse.....
I hope the person that KILLED my little girl pays.... and I hope all her stand by her learn before someone they love gets hurt.....
Mckenzie's Mom
I hope the person that KILLED my little girl pays.... and I hope all her stand by her learn before someone they love gets hurt.....
Mckenzie's Mom
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Meme's stuff
Here's a support website we may all want to consider; It's the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children.
A Case of Justice
Friday, April 10, 2009
Willard Babysitter Pleads Not Guilty In Infants Death
The Willard woman accused of allegedly killing Lucas Payton Theede-Bennett in January was arraigned in circuit court today and entered a not guilty plea.
Brenda Jean Caringer, 54, was the babysitter of Lucas Payton Theede-Bennett and is charged with alternative counts of second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death.
What that means is that if she is convicted, she will only be able to be found guilty on one of the charges.
Caringer called 911 shortly before 3 p.m. on Jan. 6 to report the child had fallen and hit his head. Detectives say that she changed her story multiple times.
An autopsy concluded that Lucas suffered a number of internal injuries to his head, including a skull fracture and retinal hemorrhages.
Caringer is due back in court on June 2, 2009.
Amanda Theede and Sean Bennett have filed a wrongful death suit against Caringer.
Lucas' mother, Amanda Theede has a blog about Lucuas here.
Posted by Kathee Baird at 10:55 AM
Labels: amanda theede, brenda caringer, kristin jones, sean bennett
Willard Babysitter Pleads Not Guilty In Infants Death
The Willard woman accused of allegedly killing Lucas Payton Theede-Bennett in January was arraigned in circuit court today and entered a not guilty plea.
Brenda Jean Caringer, 54, was the babysitter of Lucas Payton Theede-Bennett and is charged with alternative counts of second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death.
What that means is that if she is convicted, she will only be able to be found guilty on one of the charges.
Caringer called 911 shortly before 3 p.m. on Jan. 6 to report the child had fallen and hit his head. Detectives say that she changed her story multiple times.
An autopsy concluded that Lucas suffered a number of internal injuries to his head, including a skull fracture and retinal hemorrhages.
Caringer is due back in court on June 2, 2009.
Amanda Theede and Sean Bennett have filed a wrongful death suit against Caringer.
Lucas' mother, Amanda Theede has a blog about Lucuas here.
Posted by Kathee Baird at 10:55 AM
Labels: amanda theede, brenda caringer, kristin jones, sean bennett
A Case of Justice
After nearly 11 hours of deliberation, jurors returned a verdict Tuesday morning in the case of a Provo baby sitter charged with murder. Just after 11 a.m., Daniella Ruiz was convicted of child abuse homicide, a second-degree felony.
Ruiz was charged with murder or a lesser charge of child abuse homicide in the 2006 death of a 5-month-old Provo boy. Brandon Zamora died in January 2006 while in Ruiz's care. Ruiz claimed that the baby was brought to her asleep and later became pale and unresponsive. The infant was taken to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo in full cardiopulmonary arrest Jan. 4 and died the next day at Primary Children's Medical Center.
Ruiz faces a maximum of 15 years in prison when sentenced on Jan. 13.
Defense attorney Shelden Carter said he is not happy with the verdict and he does not believe Ruiz is guilty of any crime.
"Terribly disappointed," he said. "I do not believe my client did the acts that were attributed to her."
Carter said Ruiz is certainly upset with the jury's decision, which could take her from her children if she goes to jail. He will do what he can to keep her young family together when it comes time for sentencing.
"She's upset," he said. "She's a mother of four little children who need her at home, and now that is jeopardized."
Carter said he believes there was evidence of other causes, including a chronic subdural hematoma in the skull that could spontaneously bleed. Jurors disagreed with the opinion, and Carter said he will now begin exploring opportunities for an appeal.
"I don't anticipate letting it rest," he said.
Prosecutor Chad Grunander said he is happy with what the jury decided and he said they performed their duties well. The jury was given the charge of murder to consider because there was evidence to support the charge.
However, he said, the state knew it would be a hard sell for jurors to believe Ruiz acted knowingly and intentionally to end the child's life.
Child abuse homicide instead requires the defendant to have acted out of depraved indifference.
"Daniella Ruiz doesn't fit the stereotypical suspect of murder," he said. "It was certainly a child abuse case."
Grunander said attorneys have access to the best physicians and child abuse experts in the country at Primary Children's Medical Center.
Such experts testified it was certain the baby's severe injuries were a result of being shaken.
"All of our experts were very clear and certain that there were no bleeding disorders that caused this child's death," he said.
Prosecutor Mariane O'Bryant said she is pleased with the verdict, even though jurors did not convict Ruiz on the first-degree felony charge of murder.
"I'm not surprised," she said. "Certainly we would hope for the first-degree felony, but the second-degree felony was appropriate under the circumstances."
O'Bryant said she did not talk to any jurors about the verdict, but she believes the level of expertise of the prosecution's witnesses may have been a factor in the decision. During the trial, prosecutors attacked the experience of expert witnesses for the defense.
The doctors who testified that Zamora may have died because of a clotting disorder did not have the necessary experience in pediatrics, whereas the prosecution's witnesses were experts in the field.
O'Bryant said the theory that Zamora had been ill or lacking the clotting factor vitamin K likely did not hold up for jurors. A vitamin K deficiency would be expected in a baby born at home, who did not receive a vitamin K shot at birth and who was only breast-fed. None of these factors applied to Zamora, she said.
"It just didn't meet the scenario," she said.
Zamora's parents, Maria Zamora and Jose Osornio, were pleased with the verdict as well, O'Bryant said. The couple needed closure in their son's death and someone needed to take responsibility for what happened.
"They really just wanted a resolution to this," she said. "It's been nearly three years and they wanted to know what happened to their son."
Ruiz was charged with murder or a lesser charge of child abuse homicide in the 2006 death of a 5-month-old Provo boy. Brandon Zamora died in January 2006 while in Ruiz's care. Ruiz claimed that the baby was brought to her asleep and later became pale and unresponsive. The infant was taken to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo in full cardiopulmonary arrest Jan. 4 and died the next day at Primary Children's Medical Center.
Ruiz faces a maximum of 15 years in prison when sentenced on Jan. 13.
Defense attorney Shelden Carter said he is not happy with the verdict and he does not believe Ruiz is guilty of any crime.
"Terribly disappointed," he said. "I do not believe my client did the acts that were attributed to her."
Carter said Ruiz is certainly upset with the jury's decision, which could take her from her children if she goes to jail. He will do what he can to keep her young family together when it comes time for sentencing.
"She's upset," he said. "She's a mother of four little children who need her at home, and now that is jeopardized."
Carter said he believes there was evidence of other causes, including a chronic subdural hematoma in the skull that could spontaneously bleed. Jurors disagreed with the opinion, and Carter said he will now begin exploring opportunities for an appeal.
"I don't anticipate letting it rest," he said.
Prosecutor Chad Grunander said he is happy with what the jury decided and he said they performed their duties well. The jury was given the charge of murder to consider because there was evidence to support the charge.
However, he said, the state knew it would be a hard sell for jurors to believe Ruiz acted knowingly and intentionally to end the child's life.
Child abuse homicide instead requires the defendant to have acted out of depraved indifference.
"Daniella Ruiz doesn't fit the stereotypical suspect of murder," he said. "It was certainly a child abuse case."
Grunander said attorneys have access to the best physicians and child abuse experts in the country at Primary Children's Medical Center.
Such experts testified it was certain the baby's severe injuries were a result of being shaken.
"All of our experts were very clear and certain that there were no bleeding disorders that caused this child's death," he said.
Prosecutor Mariane O'Bryant said she is pleased with the verdict, even though jurors did not convict Ruiz on the first-degree felony charge of murder.
"I'm not surprised," she said. "Certainly we would hope for the first-degree felony, but the second-degree felony was appropriate under the circumstances."
O'Bryant said she did not talk to any jurors about the verdict, but she believes the level of expertise of the prosecution's witnesses may have been a factor in the decision. During the trial, prosecutors attacked the experience of expert witnesses for the defense.
The doctors who testified that Zamora may have died because of a clotting disorder did not have the necessary experience in pediatrics, whereas the prosecution's witnesses were experts in the field.
O'Bryant said the theory that Zamora had been ill or lacking the clotting factor vitamin K likely did not hold up for jurors. A vitamin K deficiency would be expected in a baby born at home, who did not receive a vitamin K shot at birth and who was only breast-fed. None of these factors applied to Zamora, she said.
"It just didn't meet the scenario," she said.
Zamora's parents, Maria Zamora and Jose Osornio, were pleased with the verdict as well, O'Bryant said. The couple needed closure in their son's death and someone needed to take responsibility for what happened.
"They really just wanted a resolution to this," she said. "It's been nearly three years and they wanted to know what happened to their son."
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Meme's stuff
As I was driving back from Faith's last Sunday, I was (as usual) rocking to the choir (listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). As I was feeling so heavy about what McKenzie's death has taken from us all, I concentrated more on the words of the song, trying to gain strength, understanding and acceptance. So many of these songs I've sung in church over the years. One struck me as so right on - to the point that I want to share it with you here. The hymn is "Lead, Kindly Light":
Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom;
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home'
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do no ask to see
The distant scene - one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor pray'd that Thou
Shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but, now,
Lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears;
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.
So long Thy pow'r hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!
How beautiful and appropriate for me. And how lost I would be without my faith (and my Faith!). So I continue on each day. The better days are when I remember to be lead by my Father in Heaven, putting myself in His hands and trusting His grace AND doing MY part, the best I can. I'm sure that as I travel back home tomorrow I will again be rocking to the choir and I will again remember.
Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom;
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home'
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do no ask to see
The distant scene - one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor pray'd that Thou
Shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but, now,
Lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears;
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.
So long Thy pow'r hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!
How beautiful and appropriate for me. And how lost I would be without my faith (and my Faith!). So I continue on each day. The better days are when I remember to be lead by my Father in Heaven, putting myself in His hands and trusting His grace AND doing MY part, the best I can. I'm sure that as I travel back home tomorrow I will again be rocking to the choir and I will again remember.
News Update
I talked with Liz today - the victim advocate. She's great. It again reminded me that the bottom line in my NOT loosing my mind in the system of "justice" is knowing that SOMETHING is happening - SOMEONE is trying to do the right thing. The DA's office IS going through everything - VERY carefully. They will be double-checking everything they can. I so appreciate that "they" are committed to spending the time, energy and money on McKenzie's case. After all, it IS her case. It's not just any case - it's the evaluation about what happended to McKenzie and hopefully bringing to task THE person responsible to her horrible last day here on earth. This afternoon I was speaking to a group of victim advocates here in Utah about sexual assault of the elderly. I was reminded again and again about the critical role advocates can have in victims being empowered. Thank you Liz. You have done what you said you would do. Your email and phone call helps me to stay stronger and hopeful.
Monday, March 22, 2010
News Update
I think the babysitter has just read this blog. In the survey of if the babysitter should be prosecuted there is now 1 "no" vote. OK. Read on you killer!!!!
Fairy Grandmother Patti standing UP for McKenzie
This blog, and the reason for it, breaks my heart....again & again. Thank you Pam for your indomitable spirit of support for Faith, Shae & McKenzie and everyone touched by this tragedy, and your know-how to put this blog together so the whole world can see that we have nothing to hide & truly do want justice for McKenzie. Justice: moral rightness; equity; honor; fairness; the administration & procedure of the law. Taking our raw emotions out of the equation & looking at the facts and evidence in the case, it is clear that one person & one person only is totally responsible for McKenzie's wrongful death. I totally support the DA's office in their scrutiny of the case, and trust that justice will prevail.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
What you can do to help....
You are already are helping by looking at the blog itself. Now take it one step further. Get informed about the details of what is happening. Read all the postings that listed and respond. Next step is to call Martin Beeson at 970-945-8635 and tell him that you would like to see the caregiver prosecuted. That is what you can do for Mckenzie and any other little person that may cross paths with this kind of neglect.
We want to thank you again for your support.
Mckenzie's Mom
Faith Webster
We want to thank you again for your support.
Mckenzie's Mom
Faith Webster
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Meme's Memories
Shaelyn and Mckenzie were such good pals. The loss to Shaelyn is beyond comprehension, as it is to Faith and the rest of us. These two siblings were hooked at the hip. One individual is responsibile for this loss. Let's prosecute her. No, it doesn't bring Mckenzie back. Yes, it DOES help prevent another family from having to deal with what our family is dealing with.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thank you
I am so grateful for all that everyone is doing. I find myself driven by anger then devastated with pain. Mckenzie and Shaelyn are the only things that I have done right in my life. My kids are my world. When I think of what Shaelyn and I are going through right now, it makes me want to scream and yell...kick my feet even. Cause no matter what happens my sweet blue eyed blond hair baby will never come home.
My fear is through all of this, is that this could happen to another mother and sister. My fear is that I will not be strong enough or smart enough, that my moments of weakness will shine more than my moments of strength. That I will let down my little girl and every other little angel that is exposed to this kind of neglect.
This blog is helping to remember how powerful that little girl of mine is. She shook this world in life and continues to touch people even in death. She and I couldn't of done it with out the compassionate hearts of the people that are standing for her I am so grateful and I want to say thank you. I couldn't be doing this alone.
With Love
Mckenzie's Mommy
My fear is through all of this, is that this could happen to another mother and sister. My fear is that I will not be strong enough or smart enough, that my moments of weakness will shine more than my moments of strength. That I will let down my little girl and every other little angel that is exposed to this kind of neglect.
This blog is helping to remember how powerful that little girl of mine is. She shook this world in life and continues to touch people even in death. She and I couldn't of done it with out the compassionate hearts of the people that are standing for her I am so grateful and I want to say thank you. I couldn't be doing this alone.
With Love
Mckenzie's Mommy
County Attorney's Office news
I had a great meeting this morning with the County Attorney's office. Patty was there too. We found out that we had an open case still. The attorney's are taking a careful look at everything. The victim advocate was also there. We all now have a better understanding of the case, the process, and the possibilities. This whole case is totally emotionally "charged". It has taken so much from Faith, and really from all of us. I appreciate that the county attorney is being very careful to review everything. I also appreciate that the victim advocate is working so closely with us to help with victim benefits. I believe we all have a better line of communication and are on the same page. We all want justice. And we will have it. Rest assured.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Meme's stuff
Patty and I are meeting with Mr. Beeson in the morning. Let's see what he has to say to the Meme and Grandma of Mckenzie. We are both "looking forward to it".Will let everyone know what happens. I have SO loved and appreciated the outpouring of love and support on this blog. I love Lu's letting Faith know about a local group. I will call her attention to it, as she is so upset right now she is forgetting to look at some of the comments. Shaelyn and I looked at some old movies of when she was less than a year old and staying a lot at our home. We both laughed a lot and I told Shaelyn how sweet and cute she was. She said "What do you mean WAS?!" Smart girl.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
News Update
The victim advocate for the county attorney's office is Liz Cook. She will be more than happy to hear from any of you.
News Update
This is what the District Attorney looks like. Faith saw this guy today, who doesn't seem too excited about charging the "sitter". We have another meeting with him Thursday morning. Any suggestions?
Meme's Memories
I was riding to Faith's today, on the road I took the night of Mckenzie's death. I had lots of time to think. Today is Shaelyn's birthday. I remember after Mckenzie was taken life support and we all went to a motel to just chill out. We were all wired and tired. After a lot of tears Shaelyn picked up her mom's computer and began to write. That's where most of Mckenzie's obituary came from. What a neat tool to use. What a smart kid! She has since written to express what's going on for her. I am so very proud of her.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Easter time 2009
Just think, a year ago these sisters were goofing around and having fun. I smile when I see pictures like this, but am also so sad. As I prepare to be at Faith's tomorrow to celebrate Shaelyn's 10th birthday, I feel terrible that this sweet grandchild of mine has to go through this season of celebrations without her sidekick. I am her Meme and I will love on her and pick on her as I always do because she needs "normal" (a word seldom used in reference to myself I know LOL). At the same time, my heart breaks. Someone is missing.
News Update
For those interested in contacting the Garfield County (9th Jusicial District) Attorney: his name is Martin Beeson; telephone (970) 945-8635; fax (970) 945-1304. For those who are on Faith's facebook, see her note today about talking with that office. I can't wait to be there later this week to speak to that office myself. For those interested in contacting the Garfield County Commissioners to express their concern about criminal justice the commissioners are: Tresi Houpt, Mike Samson and John Martin. Time to express concern about the broken wheels of "justice"
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Mckenzie's obituary
Mckenzie Ann Webster-Brown known to all as “Zee”, daughter of Faith Webster and Jeremiah Brown was born on Oct. 21, 2003 and she went flying to the brighter side on Nov. 25, 2009. She is much loved by so many. For six years she rocked the world.
She was preceded in death by Papa Tom Neuroth.
She is survived by her parents; her sisters Shaelyn and Sadie; stepdad, Cameron Cain; Gramma Patti Neuroth and Meme Pamela Webster; Grandpa Larry Brown; Numerous aunts, uncle, cousins and a multitude of friends who are as family.
A story from her sister Shaelyn's eyes:
Loss of Mckenzie Ann Webster-Brown! This will be a sad story for all but also happy! She died of an asma atak last night we were at Aunt Eryn's house at 7:15 a.m., at night whith all the ways we were trieing so hard to get her back alive we rushed her to the hostipal and mom was wating for a long time wene they walked in to see them rushing in trying to get her back to live.
They could not do much at all, they rushed her to the cherdrens hospital in dever by that time she was bran ded and we had to let her go she could not live her live like that she is obviously gone now and we can get all the support. We miss Mckenzie and we will make her furnal happy and full of exitment it will be the best day of her memory! We all had a grate time whith Zee we all miss you and we will send wate ever we can! This event cosed perment bran damgos she will never be here agin but we know she is in good hands! The seladerashon “Celebration” is going to be sad then happy if you want to say somethig then bring it to me or my mom!
A celebration of her life will be held at noon, Sunday, Nov. 29 at Kathryn Senor Elementary School, in New Castle. Please, if you would like bring something to decorate her casket.
In lieu of flowers, a donation made be made to the Mckenzie Webster-Brown fund at any Alpine Bank.
She was preceded in death by Papa Tom Neuroth.
She is survived by her parents; her sisters Shaelyn and Sadie; stepdad, Cameron Cain; Gramma Patti Neuroth and Meme Pamela Webster; Grandpa Larry Brown; Numerous aunts, uncle, cousins and a multitude of friends who are as family.
A story from her sister Shaelyn's eyes:
Loss of Mckenzie Ann Webster-Brown! This will be a sad story for all but also happy! She died of an asma atak last night we were at Aunt Eryn's house at 7:15 a.m., at night whith all the ways we were trieing so hard to get her back alive we rushed her to the hostipal and mom was wating for a long time wene they walked in to see them rushing in trying to get her back to live.
They could not do much at all, they rushed her to the cherdrens hospital in dever by that time she was bran ded and we had to let her go she could not live her live like that she is obviously gone now and we can get all the support. We miss Mckenzie and we will make her furnal happy and full of exitment it will be the best day of her memory! We all had a grate time whith Zee we all miss you and we will send wate ever we can! This event cosed perment bran damgos she will never be here agin but we know she is in good hands! The seladerashon “Celebration” is going to be sad then happy if you want to say somethig then bring it to me or my mom!
A celebration of her life will be held at noon, Sunday, Nov. 29 at Kathryn Senor Elementary School, in New Castle. Please, if you would like bring something to decorate her casket.
In lieu of flowers, a donation made be made to the Mckenzie Webster-Brown fund at any Alpine Bank.
I love her and I won't forget her..... I won't forgive a person who can't take responsibility for killing my 6 year old little girl. She suffered..... her heart hurt that day....she told her care giver that it was too much and her heart hurt.... can you believe that!!! and she gave her more.... and never told me about one of the treatments. She never called me telling me she thought Mckenzie should go home or that she was sick....because she wasn't.....when I called Mckenzie that day she wasn't sick.....when left her with the Care Giver the day before.......she wasn't sick..... when she went with out Oxygen for 45 Minutes because she was overdosed one of the five medications the care giver Mckenzie that day.....then Mckenzie was sick...... and I had to pull my baby off the machines because she wouldn't want to live a vegetable..... No that caregiver is sick.... and needs to be taken off the streets.....period
Meme's Memories
This morning I was thinking about my trip to Rifle the night Mckenzie was killed. I had a call from Faither. She was beside herself. The "babysitter" had called. Mckenzie was in trouble. Faither didn't have any answers for me. She was going to call you-know-who and see what the **** was going on. I waited and paced. I called **** to see for myself. What a mess that night was. What a LONG ride to Rifle. I even had to waite because there was a house fire and they had closed the road!!! I got special permission to drive through after explaining the situation. By this time I had got a call telling me that Mckenzie's heart was finally started. A new set of emotions, from elation to fear and sadness. It had been a LONG time and I realized that the Mckenzie I knew wasn't ever coming back - realized it even then. I just missed Faither by a few minutes when I got to the hospital in Rifle. Mckenzie's grandma, Patty, was there, with Shaelyn and *** and ***'s mother. Funny, I had done a lot of praying on my trip there. Prayed for a lot of stuff, including that I wouldn't start smoking over this, as I had quit for some time and didn't want to dishonor Mckenzie by using that crutch again. Patty was smoking and as I came up to them I commented that I thought I would start smoking. Shaelyn loudly said "No Meme!!!! PLEASE don't smoke". I didn't and I haven't. Patty was so GREAT. I will ALWAYS be grateful that she waited for me. She made sure that we went to the Children's Hospital in Denver together (we each drove our truck but followed one another and Patty let Shaelyn ride with me). Even in this tremendous loss and grief Patty was putting me ahead of her, and that's her spirit of things. There are so many memories, but that was mine this morning. It reminded me that I have a Heavenly Father looking out for me, that there are great and generous people still in the world, and that my precious Shaelyn is an inspiration to me and to all of us.
Mckenzie at playground

Mckenzie and Shaelyn would often go to the playground by our home in Vernal when she would visit Meme and Annette. I love this picture because it reminds me of her independant spirit and her self-assurance. As relaxed as she is here, believe me, her FAVORITE part of the playground was the tire in which she could spin around and around and around. As summer draws near, my heart aches because of the loss of our future opportunities to have fun outings.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
News Update
Today I received an offical copy of Mckenzie's death certificate. Cause of death: Albuterol Toxicity. How injury occured: Received albuterol treatment by CAREGIVER using ADULT dose. That about says it.
Colorado Manslaughter definition
Murder, Manslaughter, and Criminally Negligent Homicide
Manslaughter (18-3-104)
1.A person commits the crime of manslaughter if:
(a) Such person recklessly causes the death of another person; or
(b) Such person intentionally causes or aids another person to commit suicide.
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1844, § 13, effective July 1, 1996.)
2.Manslaughter is a class 4 felony.
Simple enough as far as I can tell. You give a six year old child five or six doses of Albuterol in doses meant for an adult that causes, according to the autopsy report, death of that child = manslaughter.
Manslaughter (18-3-104)
1.A person commits the crime of manslaughter if:
(a) Such person recklessly causes the death of another person; or
(b) Such person intentionally causes or aids another person to commit suicide.
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1844, § 13, effective July 1, 1996.)
2.Manslaughter is a class 4 felony.
Simple enough as far as I can tell. You give a six year old child five or six doses of Albuterol in doses meant for an adult that causes, according to the autopsy report, death of that child = manslaughter.
OK so now I've got the basics down. I'm up for suggestions from anyone as to how we can make this blog the best. Just comment comment comment.
Mckenzie's Meme
I'm Mckenzie's Meme (French for grandmother). My daughter Faith wanted me to start this blog so there would be a place to have a voice. You see, Mckenzie died because the babysitter gave her several doses of asthma treatments which gave Mckenzie a massive heart attack and killed her. After waiting three months for the autopsy to formally come in, the Department of Human Services in Colorado found death due to the babysitter. We thought GREAT - NOW she can be charged!!! Not so. We've been silent long enough. We've waited and waited and waited. This blog will tell the world what went on, and what's going on. We also want to hear from YOU. If you knew Mckenzie, share. If you have a similar experience of loss and injustice, share.
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