Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom

Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom
It's MY birthday!!! I'm IT!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Easter time 2009

Just think, a year ago these sisters were goofing around and having fun. I smile when I see pictures like this, but am also so sad. As I prepare to be at Faith's tomorrow to celebrate Shaelyn's 10th birthday, I feel terrible that this sweet grandchild of mine has to go through this season of celebrations without her sidekick. I am her Meme and I will love on her and pick on her as I always do because she needs "normal" (a word seldom used in reference to myself I know LOL). At the same time, my heart breaks. Someone is missing.

1 comment:

Loran said...

That is such a precious picture, but oh, what a loss.