Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom

Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom
It's MY birthday!!! I'm IT!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Survey

I have removed the survey from this blog. Faith called this morning. Seeing that ANYONE can possibly NOT see the importance of holding ***** responsible for her actions is just beyond her. While WE should not specifically mention WHO the babysitter is, SHE can say anything she wants to. Oh yeah justice IS blind - blind to the destruction caused by the "rules of the game" to individuals already dizzy with grief and disbelief. Come on folks - investigate, CHARGE, and be on with it. THEN we can say who is who and what is what. THEN it will be "official" and "OK". Makes me sick to think about the time it is taking JUST to get to this next step of things. So the survey is off the blog.

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