Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom

Mckenzie with "My Sister" and Mom
It's MY birthday!!! I'm IT!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meme's stuff

I really appreciated our Sunday School lesson in Church this morning. We are studying the Old Testament. So we have been talking about Joseph. This guy kept on doing!!! He was righteous, consistant, dedicated to God. He had faith that right makes might. Time and again he made his decisions on those principles and time and again someone/s tried to screw with him. His brothers were jealous of him and threw him in a pit thinking he would starve and die and be gone - until one greedy brother decided to sell him into slavery. He was a great slave, so he ended up in charge of his master's household - until the master's wife tried to get him to sleep with her and he wouldn't. Of course, that didn't stop the wife from telling lies and getting Joseph thrown into prison. THEN he became the head dude of the prison. Always he was trusted. Always he kept true to his faith. Always he stood BACK up when knocked down. As I was listening this morning it occurred to me that certainly Joseph must have been at least SOMEWHAT discouraged! But his faith stood him strong. God is in charge. All I need to do is my very best. Yep - I'm gonna fall. Yep - I'm gonna get back up. I miss McKenzie. I still forget she's gone. This morning, as I was getting ready for Church, I was thinking how she's going to think Meme's new camper is SO COOL. (Faith and family are coming down this week). Then I realized that McKenzie isn't here. BUT, I believe she's in a safe, loving, and secure place. I intend to keep on keeping on - and to see her again when it's my turn to go home.

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